CH #2 – Top Ten Budget Stones

budgetcrystalsCrystal healing needn’t be an expensive hobby. There are many, many beautiful and expensive stones, but you can great results with a collection worth less than £20.

Where to Source Stones

Obviously, you should be looking for ethical companies to stones from. But here are some tips to getting cheaper crystals.

  • Buy from museums or science shops. I went to a bunch of jewelry and science stalls when I was in Germany, and got crystals half the price they are in the metaphysical shops. A crystal is a crystal is a crystal. Yes, there are some shapes that are better for a certain purpose than others, but a raw or tumbled stone will serve you just fine.
  • Secondhand stones are perfectly fine. You should be cleansing any stone that comes into your life anyway, so don’t feel odd about buying them secondhand.
  • Check out jewelry shops – sometimes they sell of old stock that has gone out out of fashion, but are still perfectly usable. You can also get carved or shaped stones cheaper than in other stores too.

But which ones should you buy? Here are my Top Ten Budget Crystals…

(Links in this post may be affiliate links.)


Rose Quartz

Buy here: £2.10
Rose Quartz Chunk Approx 2 inches by Geofossils

If I had to pick a favorite stone, it would be Rose Quartz all the way. I just love it.

Rose Quartz is the best emotional healer available, and works in conjunction with just about any other stone.

It promotes love of all kinds – self-love, friendship, family, and romance. It helps ease the pain of abuse and sexual trauma. Healing heartbreak, it is a gentle stone that is suitable for jewelry and other forms of daily use.

It’s also useful to ease tension in a room, and give a calm loving atmosphere.

If you suffer from headaches or migraines this not only eases the symptoms, but can help prevent attacks.

It can help reduce the symptoms and effects of degenerative mental conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and also helps you recover from addictions of all kinds.

Physically, it heals the heart, lungs, chest, and eases burns and blistering.


Buy Here: £1.05
Amethyst Tumble Stone (20-25mm) Single Stone

Amethyst is a Master Healer, yes, but also one of the most common elements on Earth, so if you’re asked to pay large sums for small stones, some bugger saw you coming.

Being a Master Healer, there isn’t much Amethyst can’t do, but it does have specialties where it’s powers are amplified.

It helps sobriety of all kinds, healing addictions and self destructive behaviors. It helps the memory, and improves neural links, making you sharper and cleverer. It can also ease the symptoms of memory related disorders.


Buy it Here: £2.75

Clear Quartz Crystal Natural Rough Point
Another Master Healer, this one specialising in burns, radiation and chemotherapy side effects and other similar ailments. It de-toxifies the body and brings the organs into balance.

Quartz is good for diagnosing illnesses and indicating where energy blockages and disease lie in the body and aura field.

Blue Apatite

Buy It Here: £3.90

Tumbled Blue Apatite Tumble Stone – A Grade Quality Crystal – Connection with spirit guides & past life lessons – Free Postage!
Apatite is a balancing and calming stone, making it great to ease emotional overload associated with autism, ADHD, panic disorders and similar conditions.

It is also useful for bones, cartilage and teeth, and disorders within those areas of the body, including motor skills and exhaustion.

Black Tourmaline

Buy it here: £2.90
Rough Black Tourmaline Crystal Chunk For Grounding, Protection & Obsorbing Negativity and Pollution Approx 1.5cm – Free Postage

Black Tourmaline is great for chronic and/or terminal diseases and conditions, especially good for pain relief, and conditions related to the lungs and immune system.

Also useful for arthritis, hand-eye coordination and back pain.

Tiger’s Eye

Buy it here: £1.07
Tiger Eye Tumblestones – Medium

Tiger’s Eye is great for mental illness, and deals with issues of self-worth, self-doubt and blocked emotions. It encourages the correct use of power and assertion.

Red Jasper

Buy it here: £1.08

Red Jasper Tumble Stone (20-25mm) Single Stone

Red Jasper is another good one for chronic conditions and the isolation therein, but is great for fevers, cleaning the blood and liver, and protecting against electromagnetic and geopathic stress.

Green Aventurine

Buy it here: £1.85
Tumbled Green Aventurine Tumble Stone – A Grade Quality Crystal – Releases fears & anxiety, helps you relax – Free Postage!

Green Aventurine is a great all around healer, good at balancing most aspects of the body.

Particular illnesses and conditions eased by Green Aventurine include migraines, stuttering and other speech impediments, high cholesterol, acne and intrusive negative thoughts.


Buy it here: £1.10
Carnelian Tumble Stone (Brazilian) (20-25mm) Single Stone

Usually known as the business success stone, Carnelian has many healing properties as well.

Specifically it’s good for nosebleeds, wounds, ovaries and the womb, depression, neuralgia and helps the absorption of vitamins and minerals.


Buy It Here: £1.07
Sodalite Tumble Stone (20-25mm) Single Stone

Sodalite is good for balancing the shadow with the light, and so it great for hypochondria, panic disorders, depression and anger issues.

It also works on the throat and vocal chords, can lower blood pressure and increases the absorption of fluid.


What I’ve give you here are just a few properties of each crystal, and specifically just a few for crystal healing. Add the witchcraft uses for crystals, and you can do anything you want with these ten crystals.

This is a perfect basic toolkit, and also a good gift for the budding healer in the family.

But which cheap crystals are your favourite? Let me know in the comments!

Crystal Healing One: What Is Crystal Healing?


crystal-healing-basics-pinCrystal Therapy One: What Is Crystal Therapy?


Crystal Therapy or Healing is, put simply, creating a physical change in the body by using crystals/minerals/gems/sparkly stones.


Crystal Healing has been around since the year dot, probably ever since a human found a shiny thing and carried it around, gaining a particular effects as they did so.


The limits of crystal healing are being pushed and explored constantly. You can also, of course, use crystal to do magic with, but that’s a topic for later. In this series we’ll be focusing purely on healing the mind, body and soul with crystals. Ooky spooky stuff comes later.


What Will Be in This Series?


Later in this post, we’ll cover a few of the ways you can use crystals to heal in the general sense. In this series, we’ll cover a number of topics:


  • Purchase lists for particular stones, for example the best budget stones
  • How to treat particular ailments that I’ve had experience with
  • How to use crystal grids, mazes and other structures
  • The shapes of stones and why they’re useful
  • Crystal healing book and blog club
  • And we’ll end with a live Q and A where you can ask me any questions you might have about crystal healing that I didn’t cover.

How to Use Crystals


  • Meditative


The first step to working with any crystal. Simply sitting with the stone and asking a particular thing of it is the simplest, clearest and easiest form of crystal healing. This is sometimes called ‘programming’ a stone, but to be more correct you’re actually asking a favour of it. Crystals are a higher life form than us, so thinking you can tell it to do something it doesn’t do is a fool’s errand.


Sitting and ‘talking’ to the crystal is also the next step up from working solely with books. Books are a great starting point, especially for identifying crystals, but every crystal is different, even ones of the same type. Let the crystal tell you what it does.


When you work with more than one crystal, let the crystals tell you if they are going to play nicely or not. Some cancel each other out, some pollute the purpose, and some overpower each other.


Once you’ve selected a crystal to work with, you can either lay it over the afflicted area, or utilize some form of energy centers or energy line system, like chakras or reflexology. You can also dowse for the right spot to lay it using a pendulum. I’ll post of video of how you can do that at a later date.


  • Directing Energy


Everything in the world has and emits a thing we’ll call ‘energy’ for simplicity’s sake. It’s not precise to label an energy as good or bad – bad to who? But there are times where the energy of a thing or a place isn’t the kind of energy you’d like to cultivate.


You can use crystals and crystal grids to redirect and change the energy of the space, including helping the Earth to heal. Energetic problems can range from angry spirits, to geopathic stress, to pollution, to miasma, to a ton of other things. We’ll cover this more deeply in a later post.


  • Jewelry

Jewelry is a great way to utilize crystal healing. You can get many, many, beautiful jewelry items containing all sorts of crystals which you can wear when you need to healing, but can’t sit down for a healing session, or have a chronic condition which would benefit for more intensive use of crystals.


  • Crystal Grids

We’ll cover crystal grids in more detail in another post, as whole books have been written on the subject.


Basically, arranging crystals in certain formations amplifies and blends their power, creating more powerful and complex effects.

  • Distance Healing


You can use crystals on a poppet or other representation of a person to effect healing from a distance. Obviously, not as successful as in person healing, but  perfectly decent effects can be had. I’ve had distance energy healing done before and been very pleased with the effects I’ve had.
In next week’s post, we’ll be looking at the best cheap stones you can get to start off your collection.