Saturn Retrograde

Seven Lessons From Saturn Retrograde


Saturn is an Outer Planet, and so goes Retrograde less frequently. The Outer Planet’s Retrograde often encourage us to look deeper into our feelings and thoughts, rather than towards our behaviour and processes, like the Inner Planets.

Saturn Retrograde encourages us to ask the following questions of ourselves:

Are you following your own moral code?

There is a saying that we despise in other what we fear in ourselves. Sometimes, we can get caught up behaviours we wouldn’t tolerate in other people. From petty theft, being snappish and rude, to talking to ourselves in a way we’d never stand up for coming from someone else.

Saturn Retrograde is a good time to see whether you measure up to the standards you are placing on everybody else. If you can’t, consider why.

Is your set of morals too strict?

Everyone is human. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes hurt other people. Are you holding yourself to a higher standard than is needed?

Bigotry  and holier-than-thou behaviour all happen when you are just a bit too interested in other people’s private lives. Live and let live, huh?

Are you confusing desirable personality traits with ethics?

If I could get rid of one phrase in the English language, it would be ‘work ethic’. Being a hard worker doesn’t make you a better person than anyone else, and it’s about time we stopped prioritizing charisma, ‘work ethic’, and ambition over things like kindness, decency and politeness.

We work to live, not live to work.

Are you letting sadness overwhelm you?

Dealing with sadness and grief is never easy,  and it can creep up on you and consume you without you even noticing. Taking time for yourself to do something happy, fulfilling or simply exciting can bring some colour back into the world.

Remember that if you’re really struggling to speak to your doctor.

Are you taking on too much responsibility?

In this modern world you’re supposed to pride yourself on being ‘busy’. Not even successful, or good at what you do, mind, just ‘busy’. This is complete crap, and the sooner you realise that being busy just makes you tired, sad and grumpy, the easier it is to stop being busy.

We can be bullied into taking on more work or harder work and responsibility that we are capable of, or ready for. It is not shameful to say no. It is not shameful to protect your time off, your breaks and your sanity.

Are you letting shyness stop you from moving forward?

Do you dream of being more, doing more but can’t seem to make the steps towards reaching your goal? Saturn Retrograde is a great time to look at your fear responses.

And to remember that bravery is not the absence of fear, but of feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Where are you limiting yourself?

There are many reasons why we can limit ourselves. We’ve already looked at fear and sadness, but we can also feel that we don’t ‘deserve’ something, which can hold us back from achieving what we desire.

Let me tell you something right now: nobody ‘deserves’ anything. Except maybe a kick in crotch every now and then. Money, accolades and dreams aren’t handed out to the most deserving. They’re given out to people who did the work and had the motivation and courage to get it done.

Let this knowledge set you free – you don’t need to ‘prove’ you ‘deserve’ anything to get it.

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